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 23rd February - 2nd Sunday before Lent

8.00am Traditional language Holy Communion service @ St Dunstan's Church Ashurst Wood

10.00am Contemporary service with singing, Baptism  & Holy Communion @ Holy Trinity Church Forest Row


2nd March - Sunday next before Lent

8.00am Traditional language Holy Communion service @ Holy Trinity Church Forest Row
10.00am Contemporary service with singing & Holy Communion  @ St Dunstan's Church Ashurst Wood

Wednesday 5th March - ASH WEDNESDAY

10.00am Contemporary service with singing, Imposition of Ashes & Holy Communion @ Holy Trinity Church Forest Row

 9th March - 1st Sunday of Lent

8.00am Traditional language Holy Communion service @ St Dunstan's Church Ashurst Wood

10.00am Contemporary service with singing & Holy Communion  @ Holy Trinity Church Forest Row

 16th March - 2nd Sunday of Lent

8.00am Traditional language Holy Communion service @ Holy Trinity Church Forest Row

10.00am Contemporary service with singing & Holy Communion @ St Dunstan's Church Ashurst Wood

23rd March - 3rd Sunday of Lent

8.00am Traditional language Holy Communion service @ St Dunstan's Church Ashurst Wood

10.00am Contemporary service with singing & Holy Communion @ Holy Trinity Church Forest Row

30th March - MOTHERING SUNDAY / 4th Sunday of Lent

8.00am Traditional language Holy Communion service @ Holy Trinity Church Forest Row

10.00am Contemporary service with singing & Holy Communion @ St Dunstan's Church Ashurst Wood


6th April - Passion Sunday / 5th Sunday of Lent

8.00am Traditional language Holy Communion service @ Holy Trinity Church Forest Row
10.00am Contemporary service with singing & Holy Communion  @ St Dunstan's Church Ashurst Wood


13th April - PALM SUNDAY

8.00am Traditional language Holy Communion service @ St Dunstan's Church Ashurst Wood

10.00am Contemporary service with singing & Holy Communion  @ Holy Trinity Church Forest Row

Holy Mon 14th April / Holy Tues 15th April / Holy Wed 16th April 

7.00pm Compline @ St Dunstan's Church Ashurst Wood

17th April - MAUNDY THURSDAY - The Triduum

7.00pm The Last Supper with Vigil until 10.00pm @ Holy Trinity Church Forest Row

18th April - GOOD FRIDAY - The Triduum

10.00am Ecumenical Walk of Witness from Holy Trinity Church to the Baptist Church Forest Row 

12noon Good Friday Ecumenical Craft Workshop @ Baptist Church Forest Row

2.00pm Good Friday Prayers at the Cross @ St Dunstan's Church Ashurst Wood

19th April - HOLY SATURDAY - The Triduum

7.00pm Vigil at the Tomb @: St Dunstan's Church Ashurst Wood

20th April - EASTER SUNDAY - The Triduum

10.00am Parish Easter Communion @ Holy Trinity Church Forest Row


 27th April - 2nd Sunday after Easter / Low Sunday

8.00am Traditional language Holy Communion service @ St Dunstan's Church Ashurst Wood

10.00am Contemporary service with singing & Holy Communion @ Holy Trinity Church Forest Row



8am BCP weekly

Please join us at our Communion service, which follows the 1662 Book of Common Prayer and lasts 30 minutes.

  • Week 1:  @ Holy Trinity, Forest Row
  • Week 2:  @ St Dunstan's, Ashurst Wood
  • Week 3:  @ Holy Trinity, Forest Row 
  • Week 4:  @ St Dunstan's, Ashurst Wood
  • 10am Parish Communion Service weekly

Our joint service of Modern Communion with hymns and/or songs is family friendly and lasts for an hour.

  • Week 1:  @ St Dunstan's, Ashurst Wood
  • Week 2:  @ Holy Trinity, Forest Row
  • Week 3:  @ St Dunstan's, Ashurst Wood
  • Week 4:  @ Holy Trinity, Forest Row 

"Little Seedlings"  runs alongside the Holy Trinity church services giving the children some space of their own to GROW IN. 

Midweek Services

Morning prayer daily 9am Mon - Fri @ on ZOOM - please contact Marilyn on 01342823940 if you would like to join in.

To follow Morning prayer or Compline you can download the Church Of England App for free or follow on the CoE website see below  

 Occasional Services

Choral Evensong

This is a sung traditional service which follows the Book of Common Prayer which the church has been using since 1662. The poetic language of this ancient liturgy along with the chants used as we sing the responses helps us to connect to our roots and reminds us of the timelessness of God. 

5th Sunday Services

These alternate between Holy Trinity Church  and St Dunstan's Church